Tuncurry Public School’s P&C Association (P&C) is a not-for-profit organisation which is established to promote the interests of the school. Our aim is to bring parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close cooperation and to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school to promote recreation for and welfare of our students.
Membership is open to all parents/care providers of students attending the school and to all interested community members. Tuncurry Public School’s P&C is always keen to welcome new members, particularly members who access or have an interest in the services provided by Tuncurry Public School’s P&C ie Canteen and Uniform Shop.
Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm in the staffroom of the school (or via Zoom if possible). Annual membership is $2.00 and entitles you to be involved in the decision making of Tuncurry Public School’s P&C. If you are interested in becoming a member, please complete a membership form (available from the Secretary) and return it at the next P&C meeting.
When you become a financial member, you agree to follow the Constitution By-Laws, Code of Conduct and Sub Committee’s rules adopted by Tuncurry Public School’s P&C. Please contact the P&C Secretary if you would like to view a copy.
Each year Tuncurry Public School’s P&C hold an Annual General Meeting when a new committee is elected. The Principal and the newly elected committee discuss fundraising goals for the year.
For example, one of our goals for 2021-22 is to: provide shelter for and update the outdoor play area for the MC Unit; landscape the grassed area in play area A and reassess water tanks and ongoing garden maintenance and projects.
Your 2023 Committee
Co-Presidents: Bec Underwood and Kirsty Travis
Vice President: Jodie Makin
Co-Secretaries: Katie Hamer and Jess Gralton
Treasurer: Bec Fuller
Fundraising Co-ordinators: Tammy Bentley and Casey Medhurst
Please contact any of our committee members, including any suggestions or concerns you may have, in person or via email at pnctuncurryps@gmail.com.
Events to be held in 2023
Mothers' Day Stall
Athletics Carnival (Canteen)
Fathers' Day Stall
Day for Daniel: Friday, 27 October 2023
Students supporting the Daniel Morcombe Foundation with a gold coin donation.
P&C luncheon for volunteers TBA
A special thank you luncheon, held for all the volunteers, who have helped during the year, acknowledging their hard work and dedication to the school community.
Kindergarten Expo: TBA
Our Uniform Shop will have a display table set up so that parents/care providers are able to see the uniform options and are able to purchase or order items for the following year ($20 deposit required). Payment can be made by cash and eftpos only.
Our P&C will also have a stall so you can drop by and chat with a Committee Member.
Colour Run: Splash & Dash - TBA
This is our major fundraiser for the year. Students enjoy an untimed fun run/walk with a difference.
Primary Presentation: TBA
The President of Tuncurry Public School P&C will attend on the P&C’s behalf and present awards to nominated students.
Year 6 Graduation:
Tuncurry Public School’s P&C will purchase a graduation gift for each student. This year the P&C subsidised the purchase of Year 6 shirts.
So, as you can see, we are working on many projects and always looking to do more. New members are always welcome, and we look forward to meeting you at our next event.
P & C Committee
P&C Events